the musical journey

 At 10 yrs old my mother asked me did I want to learn the guitar or the banjo! That Christmas when I opened up a present of a new guitar a new world also opened up.

early influences 
The typical start for a baby boomer learning guitar was a diet of American folk songs. A new passion flowed into playing music in my teenage years as I fell in love with the music of Cat Stevens. 
I also had a penchant for Heavy and Progressive Rock. Using a tennis racquet I would impersonate my favourite bands such as Deep Purple, Black Sabbath and Pavlov's Dog. 

Mrs Magassy , one of those legend high school music teachers kept asking a friend Diane and I to perform songs from the band `America' on school assemblies.

stopped In my musical tracks 
I was stopped in my musical tracks one day when I heard a song with an expolsive dynamicsm that I had never heard before. It was Joan Armatrading’s song ‘Love and Affection’ It was the expression in her voice and unique arrangement that captivated me. It was an epiphany that encouraged me to jump off the `safe’ cliff edge and dive into a new musical ocean. 

picking up the bass 
My first bass guitar was a short scale. It was hanging on the wall as a decoration and the owner gave it to me to use in a musical. 
I was hooked and found a second hand Fender Precision in a Melbourne music shop in 1983.  

When I started to play in local Griffith cover bands I easily adopted the persona of a bass playing rock chick!

band names 
Griffith NSW 
gentle presence 
public menace 
scarecrow people 
reading faces